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About me

电话: +01-585-734-3374 (C)

    I'm a sedimentary geologist. I extract paleoclimate, tectonic, and earth's magnetic field information from sediments.





  • 学位论文: The magnetic susceptibility record of the Chinese red clay sequence: Enhancement mechanisms, temporal variations, and its relationship to climatic and tectonic forcing;

  • 导师: Dr. John King.

  • 学位论文: Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic constraints on the appearance of the Yellow River in the Guide and Linxia Basins of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau and its tectonomorphologic implications;

  • 导师: Dr. Xiaomin Fang.

  • 学位论文: High resolution multi-parameter paleoclimatic records on the Chinese Loess Plateau during the Pliocene-Pleistocene climatic transition;

  • 导师: 方小敏


  • 兰州大学地质科学与矿产资源学院院长,2021年1月-至今

  • 兰州大学资源环境学院教授,2011年12月-至今

  • 罗切斯特大学地质科学专业访问学者,2014年9月-2016年8月

  • 堪萨斯大学地质科学专业博士后,2010年9月-2011年11月

  • 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校地质科学专业博士后,2008年9月-8月2010

  • 罗德岛大学研究助理,2006年9月-2008年5月


  • 《古气候学》

  • 《第四纪地质学》


  • 新生代环境变化、冰期天文理论、物源分析


  • ​甘肃省优秀导师, 2023;

  • 兰州大学“国华杰出人才奖”, 2022;

  • 甘肃省拔尖领军人才,2020;

  • 中华人民共和国教育部自然科学一等奖, 2019;

  • 中共中央组织部“万人计划”科技创新领军人才 2019;

  • 科技部中青年科技创新领军人才 2018;

  • 刘东生青年地球科学家奖 2015;

  • Global and Planetary Change优秀审稿人, 2015.

  • 基金委“优秀青年基金” 2014;

  •  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology优秀审稿人, 2013.

  • 青藏高原青年科技奖 2013;

  • 中国地球物理学会“傅承义青年科技奖” 2013;

  • 教育部新世纪人才 2010;

  • Visiting Fellowship, Institute of Rock Magnetism, University of Minnesota, 2007.


  • INQUA annual meeting, 2015: Pacific freshening drives Asian monsoon intensification and
        onset of the Quaternary ice age.

  • UT Arlington, 2014: What happened on the Chinese Loess Plateau before the Northern
        Hemisphere glaciations: a story of rain, ice, and dust.

  • Chinese University of Geosciences, 2013: Late Miocene-Pliocene provenance and climate
        history of the Chinese Loess Plateau.

  • Loess and Asian dust provenance Symposium, 2013: Novel magnetic unmixing technique
        reveals provenance and paleoclimatic history on the Chinese Loess Plateau.

  • Hong Kong University, 2013: Provenance and climate history of the Chinese Loess Plateau
        during the past 8 Myr.

  • AGU Meeting of the Americans, 2013: Six million years of magnetic grain-size records reveal
        that temperature and precipitation were decoupled on the Chinese Loess Plateau during ~4.5–2.6 Ma.

  • Northern Arizona University, 2012: Provenance and climate history of the Chinese Loess
        Plateau during the past 8 Myr.

  • EGU annual meeting, 2012: A review of recent advances in red clay environmental magnetism
        on the Chinese Loess Plateau.
    Fort Hays State University, 2011: Six million years of temperature and rainfall history on the
        Chinese Loess Plateau: evidence from a novel application of two magnetic grain size proxy
        parameters to the Chinese loess record.

  • Institute of Earth and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2010: The magnetic
        susceptibility record of the Chinese red clay sequence: Enhancement mechanisms, temporal
        variations, and its relationship to climatic and tectonic forcing.

  • Lanhou University, 2009: Validity and limitations in using loess magnetic susceptibility to infer
        East Asian summer monsoon's evolution.

  • UT Austin, 2008: Tibetan uplift and Pliocene climatic change revisited.

  • Brown University, 2008: Chinese red-clay magnetic susceptibility and paleoclimate.

  • University of Minnesota, 2007: Preliminary rock magnetic studies of the Red-Clay sediments
        (~8-~2.6 Ma) from the Chinese Loess Plateau.

  • Brown University, 2007: The possible link between Tibetan uplift and Pliocene climate change.

  • Boston University, 2006: Pliocene uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, appearance of the-400-kyr cycle
        in paleoclimate proxy records, and intensification of the Northern Hemisphere glaciation.

  • 2nd Global Change Young Scientist Conference, 2006: Intensification of the 400 kyr signal in
        paleoclimate records at 4 Ma.


  • NSF of China: 2021-2025, Study on formation age, material source and dry and wet change pattern in Mu Us Sandy Land, $407,000 (Sole PI)

  • NSF of China: 2021-2024, Reconstruction and regional correlation of Pliocene large spatial precipitation in mid-latitudes of Asia, $278,000 (Collaborator)

  • Gansu Provincial Party Committee Organization Department: 2020-2023, Top leading talents in Gansu Province, $418,000 (Sole PI)

  • Ministry of Science of Technology China: 2019-2024, The second Comprehensive Scientific expedition to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (Paleogeographic pattern and tectonic geomorphology evolution since the collision), $2,380,000 (Collaborator)

  • NSF of China: 2018-2020, Effects of Pliocene-Quaternary climate change on geomorphic evolution in Southern Africa: a case study of the Limpopo and Zambezi Rivers, $278,000 (Sole PI)

  • Ministry of Science of Technology China: 2018-2022, The fourth batch of "10,000 Thousand Plan" scientific and technological innovation leading talent support project - Nie Junsheng, $111,500 (Sole PI)

  • NSF of China: 2015-2017, Science Foundation for Outstanding Youth - Quaternary Geology, $139000 (Sole PI)

  • NSF PIRE: DUST stimulated drawn-down of atmospheric CO2 as a trigger for Northern
    Hemisphere Glaciation, $4,300,000 (Collaborator)

  • NSF of China Geology: 2015-2017, Cenozoic paleoenvironmental evolution of the Qaidam
    Basin, $160,000 ( Sole PI).

  • NSF EAR: 2014-2017, RUI/Collaborative Research: Plio-Quaternary history of basin evolution,
    climate change, and fold-growth in the Qaidam basin-Investigating wind-enhance climate-tectonic
    feedback relationships, $367,538 (Collaborator).

  • NSF of China Geology: 2012-2015, Orbital-scale climatic changes recorded by the Huaitoutala
    fluvio-lacustrine sediments from the Qaidam Basin, northern Tibet, across the late Miocene
    climatic transition period (10-5.5 Ma), $110,000 (Sole PI).

  • NSF EAR: 2012-2014, Collaborative Research: High-resolution, multi-proxy MiocenePleistocene climate and environmental records from the high-elevation Zhada basin, SW Tibetan
    Plateau, $225,800 (Collaborator).

  • Ministry of Education of China: 2012.1-2014.12, Orbital cyclostratigraphy of the Miocene
    Youshashan Formation, Qaidam Basin, $20,000 (Sole PI).

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