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  • ​物源分析


  • 2014.09-2020.07,博士,自然地理学,兰州大学。

  • 2018.09-2019.09,矿物学与岩石学访问学者,米兰比可卡大学。导师: Prof. Eduardo Garzanti.

  • 2010.09-2014.06,学士,地理学,西北师范大学。


  • Ages, durations and geomagnetic field behavior during middle Miocene highfrequency excursion period.

  • Effects of Pliocene-Pleistocene climatic changes on evolution of the Limpopo and the Zambezi River, Southern Africa.


  1. Zhao Wang, Junsheng Nie, Junping Wang, Haobo Zhang, Wenbin Peng, Eduardo Garzanti, Xiaofei Hu, Thomas Stevens, Katharina Pfaff, Baotian Pan, 2019. Testing contrasting models of the formation of the upper Yellow River using heavy-mineral data from the Yinchuan Basin drill cores. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 10338-10345.

  2. Zhao Wang, Haobo Zhang, Eduardo Garzanti, Junsheng Nie, Wenbin Peng, Sergio Andò, Xiaofei Hu, Baotian Pan, Katharina Pfaff, 2019. Evolution of the upper Yellow River as revealed by changes in heavy-mineral and geochemical (REE) signatures of fluvial terraces (Lanzhou, China). Minerals, 9, 603.

  3. Wenbin Peng, Zhao Wang, Yougui Song, Katharina Pfaff, Zeng Luo, Junsheng Nie, Wenhan Chen, 2016. A comparison of heavy mineral assemblage between the loess and the Red Clay sequences on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Aeolian Research, 21, 87-91.

  4. Wenbin Peng, Junsheng Nie, Zhao Wang, Xiaoke Qiang, Eduardo Garzanti, Katharina Pfaff, Yougui Song, Thomas Stevens, 2018. A major change in precipitation gradient on the Chinese Loess Plateau at the Pliocene-Quaternary boundary. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 155, 134-138.

  5. Hujun Gong, Junsheng Nie, Zhao Wang, Wenbin Peng, Rui Zhang, Yunxiang Zhang, 2016. A comparison of zircon U-Pb age results of the Red Clay sequence on the central Chinese Loess Plateau. Scientific Reports, 6: 29642.

  6. Zeng Luo, Qingda Su, Zhao Wang, Richard V. Heermance, Carmala Garzione, Man Li, Xueping Ren, Yougui Song, Junsheng Nie. 2018. Orbital forcing of Plio-Pleistocene climate variation in a Qaidam Basin lake based on paleomagnetic and evaporite mineralogic analysis. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 51, 31-39.

  7. Junsheng Nie, Alex Pullen, Carmala Garzione, Wenbin Peng, Zhao Wang, 2018. Pre-Quaternary decoupling between Asian aridificationand high dust accumulation rates. Science Advances.4: eaao6977.

  8. Qingda Su, Junsheng Nie, Qingquan Meng, Richard Heermance, Lisha Gong, Zeng Luo, Zhao Wang, Rui Zhang, Carmala N. Garzione, 2019. Central Asian Drying at 3.3 Ma Linked to Tropical Forcing? Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 10561-10567.

  9. Junsheng Nie, Gregory Ruetenik, Kerry Gallagher, Gregory Hoke, Carmala N. Garzione, Weitao Wang, Daniel Stockli, Xiaofei Hu, Zhao Wang, Ying Wang, Thomas Stevens, Martin Danisik, Shanpin Liu, 2018. Rapid incision of the Mekong River in the middle Miocene linked to monsoonal precipitation. Nature Geosicence, 11, 944-948.

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