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Fangbin Liu

PhD student

  • College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University

       222 South Tianshui Road, Lanzhou, China, 730000​


  • Low-temperature thermochronology, Digital seismology, and Geodynamics


  • 2019.09-2019.10, Visiting Stuudent, Texas university at Austin;Advisor: Prof. Dan Breecker.

  • 2014.07-2017.12, Assistant Engineer, Shandong Earthquake Agency.


  • 2017.09-2021.06, PhD, Quaternary Geology, Lanzhou University.

  • 2011.09-2014.06, China, MS, Structural Geology, Lanzhou Institute of Seismology.

  • 2007.09-2011.06, China, BS, Geographical Science, Ludong University.


  • Research on Coulomb stress change and its application in seismology. 03/2018-06/2020, Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province.

  • Cenozoic tectonic activity and dynamic mechanism in the Luxi Uplift. 01/2020-12/2021, Earthquake Science and Technology Spark Plan, CEA.


  1. Fangbin Liu, Martin Danišík, Dewen Zheng, Kerry Gallagher, Junsheng Nie*. Distinguishing tectonic versus climatic forcing on landscape evolution: An example from SE Tibetan Plateau. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2020, accepted.

  2. Fangbin Liu*, Junhao Qu, Zhihui, Zhang. Identification of nature and non-natural earthquakes based on BP neural network. Computer Applications and Software, 2020, 37(1): 106-109, 185 (in Chinese with English abstract).

  3. Fangbin Liu, Junhao Qu*. Research on static Coulomb stress changes and seismicity in Lintan-Tanchang fault and the adjacent area. Journal of Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2018, 38(9): 886-890 (in Chinese with English abstract).

  4. Fangbin Liu, Junhao Qu*, Yajun Li, Xiaoyi Fan, Qingjie Miao. Research on characteristics of the focal mechanism solutions consistency of Rushan earthquake sequence, Shandong Province. Seismology and Geology, 2018, 40(5): 1086-1099 (in Chinese with English abstract).

  5. Fangbin Liu, Junhao Qu*, Guoyi, Li, Zhaoyang Tian. Time-space evolution characteristics of the focal mechanism consistency parameter of the Changdao earthquake swarm in Shandong Province. China Earthquake Engineering Journal, 2018, 40(5): 1034-1041 (in Chinese with English abstract).

  6. Fangbin Liu*, Junhao Qu, Qingjie Miao, Shaohui Zhou. Design of earthquake quick report information service system based on Java. Electronic Sci. & Tech, 2018, 31(12): 22-24, 29 (in Chinese with English abstract).

  7. Fangbin Liu, Junhao Qu*, Zhaoyang Tian, Chengyu Liu. Coulomb stress changes induced by Cangshan Ms 5.2 earthquake based on visco-elastic model. China Earthquake Engineering Journal, 2017, 39(1): 133-140 (in Chinese with English abstract).

  8. Fangbin Liu*, Junhao Qu, Zhaoyang Tian, Chengyu Liu. Seismic risk assessment and seismicity of Liaocheng-Lankao fault zone, Southwestern Shandong Province. Journal of Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2017, 37(8): 802-807 (in Chinese with English abstract).

  9. Fangbin Liu, Daoyang Yuan*, Aiguo Wang, Wei Pang. Comparative analysis on stress triggering of double earthquakes sequence and seismicity in southwest part of Yunnan Province. Earthquake Research in China, 2015, 31(3):472-480 (in Chinese with English abstract).

  10. Fangbin Liu, Aiguo Wang*, Daoyang Yuan. Static Coulomb stress changes and triggering interaction among strong earthquakes in the eastern segment of North Qilian Mountain. China Earthquake Engineering Journal, 2014, 36(2): 360-371, 379 (in Chinese with English abstract).

  11. Fangbin Liu, Aiguo Wang*, Zhanbo Ji. Research on Coulomb stress change and its application in seismology. China Earthquake Engineering Journal, 2013, 35(3): 647-655 (in Chinese with English abstract).

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