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Fei Peng    

Postdoctoral Researcher, Geology

  • College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University 

       222 South Tianshui Road, Lanzhou, China, 730000​


  • Quaternary environmental/climatic evolution


  • 2020.12-present, Postdoctoral Researcher, College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University​, Co-Advisor: Junsheng Nie.


  • 2016.03-2020.10, PhD, Geology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Advisor: Ronald vanBalen.

  • 2013.09-2015.06, MS, Hydrogeology, China University Of Geosciences, wuhan.

  •  2009.09-2013.06, BS, Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering, China University Of Geosciences, wuhan.


  1. Peng, F., Nie*, J.S., Stevens, T. and Pan, B.T.  2022.  Decoupled Chinese Loess Plateau Dust Deposition and Asian Aridification at Millennial and Tens of Millennial Timescales. Geophys Res Lett 49(20).

  2. Peng, F., van Balen*, R., Beets, C., Kasse, C., Prins, M., Van der Putten, N., Troelstra, S., Woolderink, H. and Van der Woude, J.  2021.  Rapid flood intensification and environmental response of the Lower Meuse during the Allerod-Younger Dryas climate transition. Geomorphology 372.

  3. Peng, F., Kasse, C., Prins, M.A., Ellenkamp, R., Krasnoperov, M.Y. and van Balen*, R.T.  2020.  Paleoflooding reconstruction from Holocene levee deposits in the Lower Meuse valley, the Netherlands. Geomorphology 352.

  4. Peng, F., Prins, M.A., Kasse, C., Cohen, K.M., Van der Putten, N., van der Lubbe, J., Toonen, W.H.J. and van Balen, R.T.  2019.  An improved method for paleoflood reconstruction and flooding phase identification, applied to the Meuse River in the Netherlands. Global Planet Change 177, 213-224.

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