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Weihang Wang

PhD student

  • College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University 

       222 South Tianshui Road, Lanzhou, China, 730000


  • Paleoclimate


  • 2021.09-present, China, PhD, Quaternary Geology, Lanzhou University.

  • 2019.09-2021.06, China, MS, Quaternary Geology, Lanzhou University.

  • 2015.09-2019.06, China, BS, physical Geography, Lanzhou University.


  • Ages, durations and geomagnetic field behavior during middle Miocene highfrequency excursion period.

  • Effects of Pliocene-Pleistocene climatic changes on evolution of the Limpopo and the Zambezi River, Southern Africa.

  • Formation age, sediment provenance and wetting-drying pattern of the Mu Us desert.

PUBLICATION(*represent corresponding author)​​​

  • *Nie, J., Wang, W., Heermance, R., Gao, P., Xing, L., et al., 2022, Late Miocene Tarim desert wetting linked with eccentricity minimum and East Asian monsoon weakening: Nat Commun, v. 13, no. 1, p. 3977.

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